Last updated: 2024-11-18 Mon 17:32

Windows 10 settings and software

Table of Contents


DONE Install Librewolf

From Microsoft Store.

  • Then export and import your bookmarks.
  • History not to be moved.
  • Configs move manually.

DONE Install Total Commander

wincmd.ini & wcx_ftp.ini -> C:\Users\TPyyhtia\AppData\Roaming\GHISLER)

DONE Install Taskbar Tweaker

Separate/Ungroup the task bar programs (

In order for Taskbar Tweaker to work in Windows 11, also Explorer Patcher for Windows 11 is needed. Update [2023-06-18 Sun]: But then issues like 1551 happened, so needed to uninstall. My winver was Version 22H2 (OS Build 22621.1848) Observing.

DONE Install Always on Top –>
C:\Users\pyyhttu\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\always-on-top.exe

After this pressing <ctrl>-<space> will keep focused window on top. Alternative is to use powertoys for this.

DONE Install PureText

And map to win-v) to paste in clear text. Install from Windows store.

Alternative is to use Powertoys and its Advanced Paste.

DONE Change CapsLock to Shift-key

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Keyboard Layout]. Create a new Binary Value:
"Scancode Map"=hex:00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,02,00,00,00,2a,00,3a,00,00,00,00,00 Then restart.

DONE Install KeepassXC

Copy settings file back to %APPDATA%\KeePassXC\keepassxc.ini

DONE f.lux

f.lux: install so that you can work in dark (no eye strain headaches anymore).

DONE Elgato control center

Download from (Elgato Key Light Air)

DONE Install SAP GUI client from Software Center


DONE Figure out how to change the localization from FI to EN

DONE Disable widgets on the lock screen

Control Panel - Personalization - Lock Screen - Lock screen status: None

DONE Install Hack Nerd Font Mono Then define Windows Terminal with the font so that 'nvim-tree/nvim-web-devicons' work.

DONE Disable Zscaler

As per this solution.

DONE Install Powertoys

To disable ctrl-w shortcut for ms-teams.


DONE Settings - Display - Change the size of texts: 125%

DONE Explorer

Practically win-e. Select View - Hidden items (so that Appdata folder shows).

DONE Change system sounds

Change System Sounds - Sound Scheme: No Sounds; Inactivate "Play Windows Startup sound"

DONE Windows Hello

options - Windows Hello Pin

DONE Disable win-arrow window snap from suggesting

Go to System - Multitasking - Snap Windows. Disable "When I snap a window, sugest what I can snap next to it".

DONE Old taskbar (obsoleted)

Right click on taskbar - Taskbar settings - Use small taskbar buttons - Combine taskbar buttons: Never

DONE Remove Cortana (obsoleted)

Right click on taskbar, remove cortana

DONE Remove Weather widget (obsoleted)

Right click on taskbar, News and interest

DONE Disable Task View when doing win-arrow for window

Right click task bar, deselect Task View. Then go to Start -> Settings -> Multitasking.

From the Snap menu, turn off When I snap a window, show what I can snap next to it.

DONE Disable three-finger and four-finger gestures

Settings - Touchpad

DONE Disable autostarts

Windows key: startup Teams: Off

DONE Outlook

DONE Install hoxhunt from software center - requires VPN

DONE Mail archive copied from old computer

Copy via Nextcloud sync and then to c:\Users\TPyyhtia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Outlook\ then setup in File - Options - Account Settings - Data files - tab.

DONE Copy rest of the Outlook settings in place manually

i.e. by comparing settings from old computer's Outlook and keying in to new Outlook.

DONE Group by conversations and received, keep conversations expanded

View Settings
Group By: Conversation(Ascending)
Sort items by: Conversation (Ascending)
Then by: Received (Ascending)

DONE Outlook inbox conditional formatting view settings

Sent only to me
Where I am: "the only person on the To line"
Where I am: on the CC line with other people

DONE Calendar conditional formatting view settings

Also stored in .PST but in case it becomes corrupted:

Optional Attendees contains Tuomas Pyyhtiä
Sensitivity equals Private
Subject is exactly agenda
Subject is exactly Agenda
Organized By… Pyyhtiä Tuomas
Attendees… Pyyhtiä Tuomas
Required Attendees is (exactly) Pyyhtiä Tuomas
Duration is less than 8 hours
Show Time As equals Free
Recurring equals Yes
Recurring equals Yes
Out of Office
Show Time As equals Out of Office

DONE Adobe Acrobat - Edit - Preferences

Prevent pdf from opening to tabs but as separate documents to separate window instance.

You need to disable the new ui first. Go to:
Menu - Disable New Acrobat

Documents: [X] Remember current state of tools pane
Documents: [] Restore last view settings when reopening documents
Documents: [] Automatically save documents to temporary file every x minutes
General: [] Open documents as new tabs in the same window (requires relaunch)
General: [] Show me messages when I launch Adobe Acrobat
General: [] Tell me if Adobe is not my default PDF application
Tuomas Pyyhtiä / CC BY-SA NVim 0.9.5 (nvim-orgmode 0.3.4)