Minimal Working Example
#+begin_details and #+begin_box
(apply f '(x0 ... xN)) = (f x0 ... xN)
The following showcases what an emacs package called org-special-block-extras, can do. It is required for the next few chosen examples.
To install org-special-block-extras, define in your init.el:
;; First install quelpa: (add-to-list 'load-path "~/.emacs.d/quelpa/") (require 'quelpa) ;; With it, download the org-special-block-extras.el by using quelpa: (quelpa '(org-special-block-extras :fetcher github :repo "alhassy/org-special-block-extras")) ;; Activate special-blocks in Org buffers: (add-hook #'org-mode-hook #'org-special-block-extras-mode) ;; Optionally, consider disabling the html-crap produced by: (setq org-special-block-add-html-extra nil)
NEXT Also check
For CSS and arrows for the spoiler.
That is, we can apply a function to a list of arguments!
Yusuf said to his father Yacoub , “O my father, indeed I have seen eleven stars and the sun and the moon ; I saw them prostrating to me.”
[[rremark:] and #+begin_rremark
The sum of the first \(n\) natural numbers is \(\sum_{i = 0}^n i = {n × (n + 1) \over 2}\). Note that \(n × (n + 1)\) is even. ⟦Jasim Jameson: Why are you taking about “\(\mathsf{even}\)” here?( Aim for success! )⟧
⟦Bobbert Barakallah:I was trying, uh …
Yeah, to explain that \({\large n × (n + 1) \over 2}\) is always an integer.
Thank-you for pointing this out!⟧Hence, we only need to speak about whole numbers. ⟦Jasim Jameson: Then please improve your transition sentences.( Aim for success! )⟧
[Musa: Ain’t that cool? ]
Keyboard renditions
#+begin_details and #+begin_box
(apply f '(x0 ... xN)) = (f x0 ... xN)
Note that Alt-F4 closes the window while C-w closes a tab.
:doc and [[margin:[]]
Sometimes I say Salamun Alayakum, other times I say hello, and other times I say hi.
Allah °  does not burden a soul beyond what it can bear. — Quran 2:286
Are you excited to learn some Lisp? Yes!
Pop-quiz: How does apply work?
Calc block
$$\begin{align*} & \begin{split}x\end{split} \\ = \;\; & \qquad \color{maroon}{\left\{ {\large\substack{\text{ Explanation of why $x \;=\; y$ } \hfill\\ \text{ Actually, let me explain: } \hfill\\ \begin{split} & \begin{split}x\end{split} \\ = \;\; & \qquad \color{maroon}{\left\{ {\large\substack{\text{ hint 1 } \hfill\\ }}\right.} \\ & \begin{split}x′ \end{split}\\ = \;\; & \qquad \color{maroon}{\left\{ {\large\substack{\text{ hint 2 } \hfill\\ }}\right.} \\ & \begin{split}y \end{split} \end{split}\hfill\\ }}\right.} \\ & \begin{split} y \end{split}\\ ≤ \;\; & \qquad \color{maroon}{\left\{ {\large\substack{\text{ Explanation of why $y \;\leq\; z$ } \hfill\\ }}\right.} \\ & \begin{split} z\end{split} \end{align*}$$anohter headline
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a headline
asdljasld aslkd
lklkasldkl asdals
a headline again
asdsa dasd aslk dlask da
adksdlsakd a
a headline too
asdaslk aslda sdkals
One more
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and even one more
asdaslkd laskd asldk asd