Created: Wed Mar 30 18:18:35 UTC 2012 Design Philosophy: Ramp on first turn so that second turn 3 CMC LD spell can be cast. As everything ramps to turn three, exploit this (If enough creatures, consider Collected Company). Creatures should be good both against aggro and control. Legend: 1: part of the initial build (Created) +1: added/to be added to the build -1: removed/to be removed from the build ?1: maybe to be removed Mana (36): 1 Taiga 1 Stomping Ground 1 Plateau 1 Savannah 1 Temple Garden 1 Copperline Gorge 1 City of Traitors 1 Ancient Tomb 1 Dust Bowl 1 Rishadan Port 1 Wasteland 1 Dryad Arbor (1st. turn acceleration via Zenith) 1 Windswept Heath 1 Wooded Foothills 1 Verdant Catacombs 1 Bloodstained Mire 1 Scalding Tarn 1 Arid Mesa 1 Marsh Flats 1 Flooded Strand 1 Misty Rainforest 3 Forest +1 Grove of Burnwillows +1 Karplusan Forest +1 Hickory Woodlot +1 Sandstone Needle +1 Cavern of Souls +1 Horizon Canopy +1 Gemstone Caverns 1 Chrome Mox +1 Lotus Petal +1 Mox Diamond 1 Elvish Spirit Guide 1 Simian Spirit Guide +1 The Tabernacle at Pendrell Vale (kaikki elffit pois?) CC1: 18 1 Wild Growth 1 Utopia Sprawl 1 Birds of Paradise 1 Fyndhorn Elves 1 Tinder Wall ? 1 Noble Hierarch 1 Llanowar Elf 1 Elvish Mystic 1 Arbor Elf 1 Elves of Deep Shadow 1 Boreal Druid 1 Avacyn's Pilgrim 1 Deathrite Shaman 1 Wild Cantor ? +1 Fastbond 1 Grim Lavamancer 1 Swords to Plowshares 1 Crop Rotation CC2: (4) 1 Boom // Bust 1 Bind 1 Sphere of Resistance +1 Sylvan Scrying (Wasteland) +1 Sylvan Library CC3 (19): 1 Aven Mindcensor 1 Fulminator Mage +1 Magus of the Moon 1 Reclamation Sage (Green Sun's Zenith x=3) 1 Stone Rain 1 Ice Storm 1 Solfatara 1 Turf Wound 1 Beast Within 1 Winter's Grasp 1 Molten Rain +1 Cryoclasm (cut?, doesn't always hit) +1 Blood Moon (cut?, not mana denial per se, didn't do much) 1 Pillage 1 Thermokarst 1 Trinisphere (Goblin Engineer) 1 Tangle Wire (Goblin Engineer) +1 Mindstorm Crown +1 EnsnarinGg Bridge (Goblin Engineer) CC4 (14): 1 Avalanche Riders 1 Ravenous Baboons 1 Lodestone Golem 1 Goblin Ruinblaster 1 Aftershock 1 Demolish 1 Wreak Havoc 1 Creeping Mold 1 Bramblecrush 1 Mwonvuli Acid-Moss 1 Harmonize (replaced Skullclamp) +1 Avaricious Dragon 1 Ajani Vengeant +1 Worship +1 Reclaiming Vines +1 Scapeshift (Wasteland) CCRest: (3) 1 Acidic Slime (Green Sun's Zenith X=5) 1 Volcanic Offering 1 Green Sun's Zenith SB: -1 Countryside Crusher (just a stupid meat, tarmogoyf is enough) -1 Plunder (not fast, or good enough to warrant competitve 2cc slot) -1 Zo-Zu the Punisher (cut, no effect, easy target) -1 Temporal Aperture (cut, too expensive) -1 Winter Orb (cut, no effect) -1 Ankh of Mishra (cut, I die to this myself, this is control after all) 1 Decimate (perfect, but couldn't be cast due to lack of enchantment/artifact targets) -1 Ruination (cut, destroys way too much own lands) -1 Icy Manipulator (cut, too expensive) -1 Destructive Urge (too slow, 2-for-1, off-color) -1 Conquer (too slow) 1 Tectonic Break -1 Steam Vines (too slow, opponent can wait and not tap this land unless wants to) -1 Kudzu -1 Lava Runner (just bad, gives opponent a choice) -1 Fissure (too expensive) -1 Black Vise (does not fit the strategy) -1 Orcish Settlers (too slow) 1 Pardic Miner (with more card draw, maybe) -1 Ring of Gix (too slow) -1 Bend or Break (just bad) 1 Thoughts of Ruin -1 Myr Superion (Tarmogoyf is better, and don't need even that) 1 Cursed Scroll ? -1 Staggershock -1 Uncontrolled Infestation (cheaper, but eventually same as Steam Vines) 1 Tremble (Boom // Bust and Crack the Earth are better) 1 Armageddon (eats my lands too, doesn't donate to strategy. I need artifact mana with this) 1 Ravages of War 1 Burgeoning (could work in no-elf version) 1 Realms Uncharted (No time for this, I need to draw my threats) 1 Devastating Dreams (maybe in no-elf version) 1 Petrified Field 1 Orcish Lumberjack (with more forest this is good) -1 Dwarven Miner (too slow) 1 Dwarven Blastminer 1 Slagstorm (maybe in no-elf version) 1 Garruk Wildspeaker 1 Icefall 1 Smokestack (maybe in no-elf version) 1 Burning-Tree Shaman (creature, vulnerable) 1 Terastodon (no more natural order as banned, can't play this) 1 Rolling Earthquake (maybe in no-elf version) 1 Arc Trail ? -1 Bonfire of the Damned (messes my ld spell chain) 1 Fallow Earth (maybe with more card draw) -1 Terravore (stupid meat, tarmogoyf is better) 1 Raging Ravine (does not contribute to my strategy) 1 Gaea's Cradle (deck needs a more reliable mana source) 1 Woodfall Primus (Pretty much uncastable while Primeval is. Acidic is immeadiate already in place Woodfall.) 1 Tarmogoyf (stupid meat, does not contribute to strategy) 1 Faithless Looting (adds consistency, maybe in no-elf version to fill 1-cmc) -1 Lava Dart (maybe with more draw 7 effects) -1 Deus of Calamity (not instantanaeous effect) 1 Gut Shot (maybe with more draw 7 effects) 1 Restore (wasteland, bowl, fetchlands, city of traitors, maybe no-elf version) 1 Havenwood Battleground 1 Dwarven Ruins ?1 Primeval Titan (Wasteland, Port, Bowl) -1 Crucible of Worlds 1 Oblivion Ring -1 Crack the Earth (-1 card advantage) -1 Raze (-1 card advantage) 1 Reap and Sow 1 Knight of the Reliquary +1 Krosan Wayfarer (with no-elf build, and 1-mana-elf build too) +1 Exploration (play only fastbond with draw version) +1 Sakura-Tribe Scout (replaced with faster Krosan Wayfarer) +1 Skyshroud Ranger 1 Ancient Grudge (maybe with draw version) +1 Wheel of Fortune 1 Plow Under +1 Coercive Portal -1 Natural Order (banned) +1 Expedition Map (wasteland, bowl, port) +1 Forcefield 1 Mana Tithe -1 Mental Misstep (counters do not fit the deck's plan as mana need to be kept up, but this one goes) -1 Ogre Arsonist (making the deck more aggressive) -1 Invader Parasite -1 Sword of Fire and Ice (does not donate to plan) -1 Ravaging Horde +1 Structural Distortion +1 Tempt with Discovery (Wasteland / Tabernacle, with no-elf version) +1 Eldritch Evolution (Fulminator Mage or Magus of the Moon) +1 Thalia, Heretic Cathar +1 Courser of Kruphix (Green Sun's Zenith X=3) +1 Collected Company +1 Tireless Tracker +1 Centaur Vinecrasher (good enough against aggro?) +1 Thrun, the Last Troll +1 Wall of Blossoms (Green Sun's Zenith X=2) +1 Carven Caryatid +1 Kitchen Finks +1 Sorcerous Spyglass +1 Blood Sun +1 Bloodbraid Elf (was cut earlier, why? Try again. Green Sun's Zenith X=4) +1 Karn, Scion of Urza +1 Karakas +1 Chancellor of Tangle +1 Madcap Experiment (need to cut: Sphere of Resistance, Tangle Wire, Trinisphere, Mindstorm Crown, Ensnaring Bridge, Bottled Cloister, Grafted Skullcap) +1 Scorched Earth +1 Rubble Reading 1 Grafted Skullcap (Sylvan Library) +1 Generous Gift (because Beast Within is in...) +1 Song of the Dryads +1 Chandra, Acolyte of Flame +1 Arboreal Grazer +1 Wildfire Devils +1 Scavenging Ooze +1 Rith's Charm +1 Gilded Goose +1 Wrenn and Six +1 Light up the Stage +1 Once Upon a Time +1 Tsunami +1 Natural Selection +1 From the Ashes +1 Veil of Summer +1 Arcum's Astrolabe +1 Active Volcano (meta call) +1 Klothys, God of Destiny +1 Sawtusk Demolisher +1 Selvana's Reclamation (curve in deck is on three, can also get wasteland back) +1 Repudiate +1 Hall of Gemstone (makes also mana dudes better) +1 Elite Spellbinder +1 Obsidian Charmaw +1 Ragavan, Nimble Pilferer +1 Destructive Flow +1 Strike it Rich +1 Endurance (curve on three, pitches late game green creatures, semi-removal, gravehate) +1 Delighted Halfling +1 The One Ring +1 Sowing Mycospawn