Wed Nov 30 18:20:06 UTC 2016 Design philosophy: Sling free (0) or cheap (1) sorceries and instants. Try to maximize the amount of them, but at the same time only playing the best of them. Best meaning: Either they're free (phyrexian mana, gush) or deal for 1 mana at least 3 or more damage. Build creature base to support this "slinging" (Delve, Prowess, Kiln Fiends), otherwise populate creature curve on 1 with 2/1s. Hand is emptied in best scenarios on 3rd(?) turn, when one of the draw 7s can be played. If not sustainable, replace draw7s with spot draw/filtering (Ancestral Vision, Brainstorm...) 100 cards. Mana (27): 9 Mountain 1 Chrome Mox +1 Great Furnace 1 Wooded Foothills +1 Mishra's Factory 1 Bloodstained Mire 1 Flooded Strand 1 Polluted Delta 1 Misty Rainforest 1 Arid Mesa 1 Scalding Tarn 1 Volcanic Island 1 Steam Vents 1 Wasteland ?1 Barbarian Ring (Do I have mana for this?) ?1 Mountain Valley (fixes mana efficiently, but eats tempo. Test first if just mountains can be used instead of these) ?1 Rocky Tar Pit ?1 Bad River ?1 Flood Plain Zero CC 14: 1 Street Wraith 1 Gitaxian Probe +1 Manamorphose +1 Mutagenic Growth +1 Mishra's Bauble (but not instant or sorcery, so cut?) +1 Urza's Bauble +1 Burning-Tree Emissary (free creature, but screws up mana with its green mana) +1 Mental Misstep ?1 Daze (Reactive, can't empty from hand whenever want, but is a surprise and maximizes mana) +1 Gut Shot +1 Mutagenic Growth +1 Apostle's Blessing ?1 Lotus Petal (not instant or sorcery, so cut?) ?1 Rite of Flame (still dubious, as drawn cards should freely cycle, or deal damage. But since an instant, test). One CC: 17 1 Grim Lavamancer 1 Jackal Pup 1 Tattermunge Maniac +1 Goblin Guide 1 Figure of Destiny 1 Spark Elemental +1 Rakdos Cackler +1 Firedrinker Satyr +1 Vexing Devil +1 Monastery Swiftspear +1 Zurgo Bellstriker +1 Falkenrath Gorger +1 Jackal Familiar +1 Furnace Scamp 1 Bomat Courier +1 Bonded Construct 1 Delver of Secrets Burn: 20 1 Black Vise (play only if you play draw7s) 1 Pyrokinesis 1 Lava Dart 1 Forked Bolt +1 Needle Drop +1 Sonic Seizure 1 Lava Spike +1 Fiery Temper (enough discard for this?) 1 Lightning Bolt 1 Chain Lightning 1 Rift Bolt 1 Reckless Abandon 1 Shard Volley +1 Collateral Damage +1 Treasure Cruise +1 Borrowed Hostility +1 Brute Force +1 Built to Smash +1 Titan's Strength 1 Reckless Charge Two CC: 18 1 Abbot of Keral-Keep 1 Kiln Fiend +1 Bedlam Reveler +1 Stormchaser Mage +1 Young Pyromancer +1 Thermo-Alchemist +*1 Thing in the Ice ?1 Hellspark Elemental (too expensive?) 1 Price of Progress 1 Flame Rift ?1 Shrapnel Blast (Enough artifacts for this?) +1 Fire/Ice 1 Fireblast 1 Searing Blaze 1 Searing Blood 1 Final Fortune (enough creatures for this to be good)? 1 Standstill +1 Gush (play this only if enough fetches, consider tap fetches too) +1 Dig Through Time (play this only if enough fetches, consider tap fetches too) Three CC: 4 +1 Day's Undoing +1 Windfall +1 Timetwister +1 Wheel of Fortune Dropped: -1 Scorched Rusalka -1 Magus of the Scroll -1 Lava Blister -1 Slith Firewalker -1 Ashenmoor Gouger -1 Bottled Cloister -1 Blood Oath (Didn't hit for 4 mana as would have hoped) -1 Tarfire (too narrow, plus donates to opposing Tarmogoyf) -1 Giant Solifuge -1 Ashenmoor Gouger -1 Skullscorch (?) -1 Ball Lightning -1 Molten Rain -1 Mindstorm Crown -1 Thunderbolt (Fliers not a problem, replaced by Arc Trail) -1 Fork (?, too reactive, requires other spells to be good, bad top deck in aggro and quickly becomes a 'win more' card) -1 Isochron Scepter (?, see Fork, and potential 2-1 trader -> card disadvantage) -1 Shock (?too narrow) ?1 Cryoclasm (metagame call) -1 Blinkmoth Nexus -1 Great Furnace -1 Rishadan Port +1 Village Messenger +1 Skin Invasion +1 Sin Prodder -1 Breath of Darigaaz -1 Scent of Cinder -1 Smash to Smithereens -1 Sudden Shock -1 Shrapnel Blast +1 Sonic Burst (add this if Sonic Seizure proves to be good) -1 Hell's Thunder -1 Boggart Ram-Gang -1 Zo-Zu the Punisher -1 Blistering Firecat -1 Blood Moon -1 Mark of Mutiny -1 Flames of the Blood Hand -1 Slagstorm -1 Browbeat -1 Flamebreak -1 Rhystic Lightning -1 Acidic Soil -1 Volcanic Fallout -1 Keldon Champion -1 Elemental Appeal -1 Sulfurous Blast -1 Hidetsugu's Second Rite -1 Lightning Serpent -1 Earthquake -1 Rolling Earthquake -1 Ghitu Encampment -1 Mogg Fanatic (cut?) -1 Stromkirk Noble -1 Firebolt -1 Pillar of Flame -1 Wild Slash -1 Keldon Marauders -1 Ankh of Mishra -1 Borderland Marauder -1 Kargan Dragonlord -1 Porcelain Legionaire -1 Altac Bloodseeker -1 Ash Zealot -1 Magma Jet -1 Chain of Plasma -1 Fire Ambush -1 Arc Trail -1 Incinerate -1 Volcanic Hammer -1 Stoke the Flames (eats tempo) -1 Searing Spear -1 Skullcrack -1 Lightning Strike -1 Sulfuric Vortex -1 Goblin Rabblemaster -1 Flame Javelin -1 Char -1 Staggershock -1 Exquisite Firecraft -1 Pulse of the Forge -1 Thunderous Wrath -1 Eidolon of the Great Revel ?1 Temur Battle Rage (better than assault strobe) -1 Assault Strobe -1 Brimstone Valley -1 Burst Lightning (filler #1) ?1 Snapcaster Mage ?1 Satyr Firedancer ?1 Simian Spirit Guide (not instant or sorcery, so cut?) ?1 Magus of the Moon (screws my deck too, gush. Needed?) ?1 Ponder (the deck needs to be simple and consistent, so not needed) ?1 Brainstorm -1 Goblin Grenade (only 3 goblins for this one) +1 Downhill Charge (free, but good enough)? +1 Kird Ape (screws mana)? +1 Land Grand (free, but skews mana)? -1 Scourge Wolf (too difficult to set up)? 1 Faithless Looting -1 Landslide (not performing, horrible in starting hand) +1 Mox Diamond 1 Kuldotha Rebirth (probably not good enough) -1 Goblin Cadets (I want to fill grave for delve) 1 Mutavault (screws mana, only needed because of Standstill, but deck needs creatures) -1 Blistercoil Weird (not good enough) +1 Elusive Spellfist (MtgGoldfish article says this is an all-star in pauper) +1 Evolving Wilds (eats tempo (see if needed) but provides both colors) +1 Terramorphic Expanse +1 Ideas Unbound +1 Ghitu Lavarunner +1 Adeliz, the Cinder Wind +1 Enigma Drake +1 Disprupting Shoal +1 Electrostatic Field +1 Maximize Velocity +1 Skewer the Critics +1 Light up the Stage +1 Pteramander +1 Dreadhorde Arcanist +1 Burning Prophet +1 Samut's Sprint +1 Haze of Rage +1 Prismatic Vista +1 Fiery Islet +1 Infuriate +1 Finale of Promise +1 Blistercoil Weird +1 Soul-Scar Mage +1 Sprite Dragon +1 Stormwing Entity +1 Riverglide Pathway +1 Sea Gate Stormcaller +1 Krark, the Thumbless +1 Veyran, Voice of Duality +1 Expressive Iteration (L) +1 Dragon's Rage Channeler (L) +1 Harmonic Prodigy +1 Ragavan, Nimble Pilferer (L) +1 Unholy Heat (L) +1 Demilich (L) +1 Play with Fire +1 Flame Channeler +1 Ledger Shedder +1 Sailor's Bane +1 Mercurial Spelldancer +1 Wrenn's Resolve +1 Slickshot Show-Off +1 Leyline Dowser (L)