Created: Sun Jul 29 10:00:29 UTC 2014 Design philosophy: Aggressive combo, which operates from the stack and through reactive instants, not so much through board's utility creatures. Value is gained through cheaper counterspells than what opponent may have. Against control, sculpt the hand with 1 cmc draw spells for combo turn and bury them with card advantage gained through Dig and Cruise. Cut red and white and try to keep approach aggroish on cc1. Include as much cheap tutors as possible. Play creatures with CiP-abilities so that value from the gained immediately and can be then sacrificed for Neoform. Legend: 1: part of the initial build (Created) +1: added/to be added to the build -1: removed/to be removed from the build ?1: maybe to be removed 100 1 City of Brass 1 Blooming Marsh 1 Gemstone Mine 1 Windswept Heath 1 Scalding Tarn 1 Verdant Catacombs 1 Wooded Foothills 1 Bloodstained Mire 1 Polluted Delta 1 Flooded Strand 1 Marsh Flats 1 Misty Rainforest 1 Tropical Island 1 Breeding Pool 1 Yavimaya Coast 1 Bayou 1 Overgrown Tomb 1 Llanowar Wastes 1 Temple of Mystery 1 Temple of Malady 1 Temple of Deceit 1 Underground Sea 1 Watery Grave 1 Underground River 1 River of Tears 1 Darkslick Shores !1 Cephalid Coliseum 1 Botanical Sanctum +1 Nurturing Peatland +1 Waterlogged Grove 1 Land Grant 1 Birds of Paradise 1 Noble Hierarch 1 Lotus Petal 1 Deathrite Shaman 1 Gitaxian Probe 1 Urza's Bauble 1 Mishra's Bauble 1 Peek 1 Hapless Researcher 1 Sorcerous Sight 1 Clairvoyance 1 Brainstorm 1 Ponder 1 Serum Visions 1 Portent 1 Preordain 1 Opt !1 Treasure Cruise 1 Sleight of Hand 1 Sage of Epityr +1 Faerie Seer +1 Wall of Runes 1 Mental Note 1 Thought Scour +1 Neoform !1 Dig Through Time 1 Traverse the Ulvenwald 1 Sylvan Tutor +1 Imperial Seal 1 Worldly Tutor 1 Green Sun's Zenith 1 Demonic Tutor 1 Lim-Dul's Vault 1 Postmortem Lunge 1 Apprentice Necromancer 1 Shallow Grave 1 Abrupt Decay +1 Assassin's Trophy 1 Spellskite -1 Baleful Strix 1 Noxious Revival 1 Mental Misstep 1 Misdirection 1 Force of Will 1 Daze 1 Disrupt 1 Swan Song 1 Dispel 1 Spell Pierce 1 Spell Snare 1 Divert 1 Stifle 1 Force Spike 1 Flusterstorm 1 Duress 1 Inquisition of Kozilek 1 Thoughtseize 1 Cabal Therapy 1 Collective Brutality 1 Hymn to Tourach (blind discard and double black) -1 Force of Negation 1 Hermit Druid 1 Narcomoeba 1 Fatesticther 1 Memory's Journey 1 Dread Return 1 Ruination Rioter SB: -1 Dryad Arbor (replaced by Botanical Sanctum) -1 Void Snare (replaced by Chain of Vapor) -1 Wild Cantor (replaced by Opt) -1 Demonic Consultation (replaced by Urza's Bauble). Or consider adding this back + Tainted Pact for alternative win con. -1 Mana Confluence (replaced by Chrome Mox to battle aggro) -1 Natural Selection (replaced by Clairvoyance) +1 Intuition (Unearth) -1 Nostalgic Dreams ?1 Mirri's Guile (replaced by Neoform) -1 Chromatic Star -1 Chromatic Sphere -1 Elves of Deep Shadow (replaced by Divert) -1 Eldritch Evolution (replaced by Intuition) -1 Conjurer's Bauble (worst of cantrips) -1 Chain of Vapor (replaced by Assassin's Trophy) +1 Waterlogged Grove -1 Lat-Nam's Legacy (with only Ruination Rioter, this is not needed anymore) +1 Unearth (for Ruination Rioter, random critters to support neoform, intuition pile) -1 Walking Ballista -1 The Mimeoplasm (replaced by Force of Negation) -1 Lord of Extinction (replaced by Faerie Seer) -1 Entomb (for Hermit Druid and Shallow Grave, replaced by Stifle) -1 Oboro, Palace in the Clouds (replaced by Nurturing Peatland) -1 Careful Study -1 Frantic Search -1 Intuition -1 Personal Tutor +1 Muddle the Mixture +1 Demonic Consultation +1 Tainted Pact +1 Spellseeker +1 Gilded Goose +1 Impulse +1 Veil of Summer +1 Miscast +1 Divining Witch +1 Clearwater Pathway +1 Sea Gate Stormcaller +1 Agonizing Remorse (if going to proactive combo instead of counters) +1 Thought Erasure +1 Barkchannel Pathway +1 Boseiju, Who Endures +1 Tamiyo's Safekeeping +1 Malevolent Hermit +1 Slip Out the Back +1 An Offer you Can't Refuse +1 Flate of Denial +1 Nadu, Winged Wisdom ( Maybe now move away from spell based combo to creature bases) Combo: and