Created: Fri Jul 12 13:40:51 UTC 2011 Design Philosophy: Mulligan into first/second turn hexproof creature. Then just keep on deploying all auras on it and battlecruise your way to win. Experiment with one mana counters to protect yourself from sorceries (Knowing this will eat your tempo, so maybe start with Daze and Fow) presumably with mass removal, sacrifice effects and hand disruption pose greatest attack vector on me. Alternative approach: play aura's that give evasion and/or bigger stats, +2 in attack in minimum. Keep colors as solid G, splash W and U. Push curve down and for blue to lessen the amount of lands and make the draws into threats more consistent. Mulligan aggressively into a hexproof guy. Not in sync with: Legend: 1: part of the initial build (Created) +1: added/to be added to the build -1: removed/to be removed from the build ?1: maybe to be removed 100 Mana (33): 1 Island 1 Plains 3 Forest 1 Tropical Island 1 Breeding Pool 1 Tundra 1 Hallowed Fountain 1 Savannah 1 Temple Garden 1 Arid Mesa 1 Flooded Strand 1 Marsh Flats 1 Polluted Delta 1 Scalding Tarn 1 Verdant Catacombs 1 Windswept Heath 1 Wooded Foothills 1 Prismatic Vista 1 Yavimaya Coast 1 Brushland 1 Razorverge Thicket 1 Dryad Arbor (also ramps with Zenith) 1 Horizon Canopy 1 Nurturing Peatland 1 Waterlogged Grove 1 Gemstone Caverns +1 Boseiju, Who Endures +1 Branchloft Pathway +1 City of Brass +1 Mana Confluence +1 Gemstone Mine (Deck needs colored mana, fast) Acceleration (9): Or should I use Wild Growth and such to nullify opponent's removal, and keep enchantment count high? 1 Deathrite Shaman (mana creatures do not contribute for Helm of the Gods) 1 Noble Hierarch +1 Birds of Paradise (Makes Canopy hands playable thus increases consistency, brings curve down) +1 Gilded Goose (Makes Canopy hands playable thus increases consistency, brings curve down) 1 Utopia Sprawl 1 Wild Growth 1 Lotus Petal 1 Chrome Mox 1 Elvish Spirit Guide Hexproof creatures (21): 1 Slippery Bogle 1 Gladecover Scout 1 Green Sun's Zenith 1 Invisible Stalker 1 Silhana Ledgewalker 1 Paradise Druid 1 Bassara Tower Archer 1 Light-Paws, Emperor's Voice (also combos with Umbras) 1 Kor Spiritdancer +1 Sythis, Harvest's Hand (M) +1 Canopy Covers (With Light-Paws, Dryad Arbor, Deathrite, Noble Hierarch, Kor Spiritdancer) -1 Dungrove Elder -1 Sacred Wolf -1 Troll Ascetic -1 Geist of Saint Traft -1 Taoist Hermit -1 Witchstalker 1 Once Upon a Time -1 Jungleborn Pioneer -1 Venomthrope +1 True-Name Nemesis (not banned anymore) Engine/other (4): 1 Oko, Thief of Crowns (as I have first turn accelerant, this might just steal games) +1 Brainstorm (L) +1 Ponder (L) (bring in Brainstorm first, then if good, then this) +1 Sylvan Library (better than Season of Growth) Creature Auras (33): 1 Ethereal Armor 1 Gryff's Boon 1 Rancor 1 Keen Sense 1 Sixth Sense 1 Unstable Mutation 1 Aqueous Form 1 Arcane Flight 1 Curiosity 1 Curious Obsession 1 Sentinel's Eyes 1 Hyena Umbra (Totem Armor needed? If not, impactful enough? Add back if needed e.g. for curve) 1 Cartouche of Solidarity (cheap, but impactful enough? Add back if needed due to curve) 1 Spirit Link (prefer vigilance over lifelink due to Paradise Druid, though this is also a semirevoval) 1 Fly (Consider if I want to bring down the curve. This is worse Aqueous Form). +1 Combat Research +1 Audacity (M) +1 Spider Umbra (cheap, but needed?) +1 Briar Shield (low curve, could work) 1 All that Glitters 1 Triclopean Sight 1 Daybreak Coronet 1 Spirit Mantle (Impactful enough?) 1 Lunarch Mantle 1 One with the Wind 1 Spectral Flight 1 Cartouche of Knowledge 1 Staggering Insight 1 Song of the Dryads (silver bullet removal, tutorable if Enlightened is also played) 1 Ancestral Mask 1 Armadillo Cloak 1 Unflinching Courage 1 Vow of Flight (needed?) SB: -1 Myth Realized -1 Eidolon of Countless Battles -1 Demotion -1 Disrupt -1 Open the Armory (or does the deck need to draw its threats?) -1 Dromoka's Command (not an aura. Needed?) -1 Face of Divinity (impactful enough?) ?1 Force of Negation (L) (enough blue cards for this? Start with Fow.) ?1 Daze (L) (enough islands for this? Start with FoW) ?1 Prismatic Ending (L) Start with Song of the Dryads. -1 Swords to Plowshares (needed? Prefer Warbriar Blessing over this) -1 Storm Herald (awkward colors, not really needed) -1 The First Iroan Games (not an aura, slow) -1 Spell Pierce (thought not played by Modern decks, and the deck wants to tap out. Thus Daze is okay) -1 Gatherer of Graces (not needed) -1 Slippery Scoundrel (too slow) -1 Gift of Orzhova (not good enough) -1 Sylvan Tutor -1 Thrun, the Last Troll (too expensive) -1 Jade Guardian (too expensive) -1 Heliod's Pilgrim (too slow, we want to draw the threats) -1 Lifelink (also a semiremoval) -1 Glaring Aegis (impactful enough?) -1 Squire's Devotion (not impactful enough) -1 Luminous Wake -1 Aether Web -1 Abundant Growth -1 Unbridled Growth -1 Grasp of Fate (not tutorable in the deck, not an aura) -1 Insist -1 Mana Tithe -1 On Serra's Wings -1 Vine Mare (if Thrun won't make, this won't either) -1 Veil of Summer -1 Avacyn's Pilgrim -1 Triumph of Gerrard (not an aura) -1 Stubborn Denial -1 Sage's Reverie -1 Abzan Runemark (strong enough?) -1 Cartouche of Strength (needed?) -1 Argothian Enchantress (feels win more) -1 Sram, Senior Edificer (enables opponent's removal, is not a threat itself as Kor-Spirit Dancer) -1 Divine Favor (not impactful enough) -1 Arbor Elf +1 Berserk (also a semiremoval) -1 Finale of Devastation -1 Cloudform (difficult mana cost, but tutorable with Enlightened) -1 Season of Growth (test this) -1 Helm of the Gods (not an aura) -1 Michiko's Reign of Truth (Only if playing enough low cost auras) -1 Warbriar Blessing (silver bullet removal, if deck has slots) -1 Worship (does nothing against other than rdw-decks) ?1 Spirit Loop (deck needs to attack against aggro too, good meta choice. Triggers separately). -1 Angelic Gift (draws a card directly, gives evasion, but would be a worse Cartouche of Knowledge). -1 Sage's Reverie (not even played in Modern) -1 Zuo Ci, the Mocking Sage (+1 Venomthrope) -1 Serum Powder (beneficial in opener, otherwise horrible. Needed? Now playing Once Upon a Time) -1 Enlightened Tutor (card disadvantage) -1 Auramancer's Guise (not even played in Modern) +1 Gitaxian Probe (thins, and pitches to FoW, offers more information) +1 Esper Sentinel (L) Vital one drop, pays back in cards and increases chances with Canopy Cover draws. +1 Force of Will (L) (enough blue cards for this?) -9 Forest -1 Alpha Authority (As Canopy Cover is better. With Light-Paws, Dryad Arbor, Deathrite, Noble Hierarch, Kor Spiritdancer) -1 Sentinel's Mark (test this if impactful enough, also offcolor) -1 Vow of Duty (already lost if I've had to play this on opponent's creature) -1 Boar Umbra (not even played in Modern) -1 Vow of Wildness -1 Worldly Tutor -1 Eladamri's Call -1 Mox Diamond +1 Birthday Escape +1 Lion Umbra