If I need to access my computer, (wait for a while) Then vgchange -ay (Without sudo) Press ctrl-d then login: tuomas password edit: 19.03.2016: I guess I needed to dismiss at some point some message by pressing enter. Anyway, try to listen to beeps what's going on. edit: 24.08.2016: With Juha's Nvidia 8800, I am not able to hear beeps on boot up. Does this now work!? Have I logged in? Did I need to press ctr-c and/or esc at some point? I can't remember, and I don't know if I'm logged in or not, as I am not able see anything. Network traffic is not visible either in the eth0. I need a monitor to make sure what is happening. Edit: 25.08.2016. Victory! After 598 days, system boots again. Backups resume. In an event a grub upgrade breaks my lvm + raid stack, (like it did once now, I was sloppy, see: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=589737), this is how I fixed it. Grab a proper live cd (64-bit on my case) live cd. Any one will do, here's one: http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/download Boot using the cd and once done open the terminal. Ubuntu doesn't have the raid or logical volume management tools out-of the box installed, so: sudo aptitude install mdadm lvm2 In case you don't see your md drives (cat /proc/mdstat), do: sudo mdadm --assemble --scan Now you should see your devices and partitions: sudo fdisk -l And also see your volumegroups: sudo vgscan sudo vgdisplay sudo lvs ... Activate the volumegroup (if you can't see it in /dev). You'll need the volume group with the root file system in it, vg_main in my case: sudo vgchange -ay vg_main Mount the root and boot file systems, and in my case also usr and var because I've made them separate. Lastly bind mount live cd's /dev: sudo mount /dev/vg_main/root /mnt sudo mount /dev/md0 /mnt/boot sudo mount /dev/vg_main/usr /mnt/usr sudo mount /dev/vg_main/var /mnt/var sudo mount -obind /dev /mnt/dev Change to the root of your newly mounted system: sudo chroot /mnt Once /mnt is jailed, reinstall Grub to your raid-drives: grub-install /dev/sda grub-install /dev/sdb Hit ctrl-d to exit the chroot, umount the drives and issue sudo reboot. Edit2: 25.4.2011: grub has broken system twice now. Google: "Symbol not found" grub_env_export This same fix helped. Edit3: 19.5.2012: And _thrice_ now: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=662787 Fix was to repartition 1mb with gparted between MBR and sda1, then reissue grub-install: http://forums.fedoraforum.org/showpost.php?p=1543962&postcount=4 Edit4: 15.3.2014: Sure love updating Sid's grub, ("QUARCE!"): http://www.debian-fr.org/sid-initramfs-et-lvm-t47460.html After aptitude updated grub, I booted into rescue shell, again. My logical volumes were missing: ls /dev/mapper/ Should've given: control vg_main-home vg_main-root vg_main-usr vg_main-var vg_tmp-tmp Activating all volumegroups with vgchange -ay and then exiting the shell with ctrl + d continued the boot. Final fix was to update /etc/default/grub parameter Edit5: 25-09.2014 (entry from /var/log/apt/history.log: initramfs-toolsamd64 updated from 0.116 to 0.117 breaks checkfs. See bugs.debian.org for #763157 and #762870). Resolved by doing in busybox vgchange -ay)