#+TITLE: CyberPower CP1500EPFCLCD VA1500 / 900W #+SUBTITLE: With OpenMediaVault #+DESCRIPTION: Notes #+KEYWORDS: # Export underscore as underscore instead of highlight in HTML: #+OPTIONS: ^:nil # Include usable macros from https://github.com/fniessen/org-macros: #+INCLUDE: ../org-mode/macros/org-macros.setup #+INFOJS_OPT: view:showall ltoc:nil path:https://iki.fi/~pyyhttu/debian/org-mode/js/org-info.js #+HTML_HEAD: * UPS ** Philosophy Though I haven't had electricity spikes or powerdowns ever, I figured now (fall 2022) could be a good time to acquire an UPS. Reasons being, a) There's a chance Finland will have planned, circulated power outages during peak hours which will hit domestic households. b) Although my NAS has files backupped to remote data center, I also want to insure my equipment against power surges. When either a) or b) happens, I want my NAS to see it and perform a controlled shutdown for central unit and disks. ** Selection criteria for UPS 1. Needs to be linux compatible Options: =apcupsd=, =NUT= or =WinPower=. 2. Future proof I opted to go for 900W which will be more than enought for modem, router and NAS but as I will have other systems behind the UPS, I want to shield those as well. Minimum amount of sockets: 6 3. Low standby/idle power consumpion UPS is not needed 99,99999% of its time, so I don't want it drain too much power. This unit should have ~5W consumption. 4. Silent during normal operating hours, need to be mutable setting before downtime I don't want to hear any kind of background noise as I'm working in the same space within 5 meters of the unit. Be it electrical buzz or a cooling fan (so no active cooling). 45 db within 1 meter is too much. Similarly, I don't want to wake up middle of the night if I have a power down. [[https://silentpcreview.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=67377][CP1500EPFCLCD]] is dead-silent. 5. Pure Sine Wave vs. Stepped Sine Wave Does not matter what RPI receives, so stepped is fine: https://forums.raspberrypi.com/viewtopic.php?t=235531. 6. Needs to have a data connection (anything with USB is fine) If the UPS is doing its job, the computer doesn't know that the utility power went out. The only way for the OS to know to shut down, while it can still do so gracefully, is if the UPS can communicate the situation. This feature requires a data connection between the UPS and the computer. This is wanted. 7. Data connections needs to talk either over apcupsd, NUT or WINPower. So that I can [[https://superuser.com/questions/797310/have-ups-shut-down-computer-automatically-in-linux-when-the-power-goes-out][shutdown in controlled fashion.]] tuomas@omv:~ $ lsusb | grep Cyber Bus 001 Device 003: ID 0764:0501 Cyber Power System, Inc. CP1500 AVR UPS *** DONE Measure the consumption when the unit arrives. Because One customer of verkkokauppa.com wrote on an UPS: #+BEGIN_QUOTE Itse mittasin 16.1.2022 ostetuille kaksikolle molemmille 35W tyhjäkäyntikulutuksen. Lähtivät takaisin verkkokauppaan jo pelkästään sen perusteella. Ei voi hyväksyä mitenkään vihreänsiirtymän aikana noin kohtuuttomia tyhjäkäyntikulutuksia varsinkin, kun upsit oli tulossa talouteen, jossa on kaukolämpö. Tyhjäkäynnin osuus pysyi taustalla suht vakiona, vaikka lisäsi kuormaa (mihinkä se sieltä muuttuu). Lisäksi laitteista lähti "uutuuden käryä" joka ei ollut kovin miellyttävän hajuista. Muutaman tunnin testaamisen jälkeen laitoin upsit takaisin paketteihin ja paluumatkalle. Vuodessa on 8760 tuntia x 0,070kW = 613,2kWh. Sähkölasku olisi noussut yli 100€ vuodessa pelkästään sillä, että nämä laitteet ovat kytkettynä pistorasiaan ja kaukolämpötaloudessa ei ole tarvetta lisälämmittää sähköllä. Ei jatkoon. #+END_QUOTE So it would cost me: 8760h*0,005kW = 43,80kWh * 0,1€/kWh = 4,3€ per year on standby with current electricity price. Cyperpower CP1500EPFCLCD unit's consumpion rate is not yet available here, consider reporting: http://www.tpcdb.com/product.php?id=7414 Update: The unit consumes about 5W on standby after its battery has been fully charged. Others are also arriving the [[https://www.amazon.com/ask/questions/Tx144UWRT72P1M4/?][same conclusion.]] Note: CP1500EPFCLCD and CP1500PFCLCD are [[https://forums.tomshardware.com/threads/difference-between-cp1500epfclcd-and-cp1500pfclcd.3725776/][the same units.]] ** Installation Plugin the usb-chord from UPS to RPI4. Kernel should identify the UPS: #+BEGIN_SRC tuomas@omv:~ $ lsusb | grep Cyber Bus 001 Device 003: ID 0764:0501 Cyber Power System, Inc. CP1500 AVR UPS #+END_SRC As [[https://forum.openmediavault.org/index.php?thread/44804-cyberpower-ups-backup-on-a-raspberry-pi-4b/][here.]] Remember to install =usrmerge= and execute it as otherwise NUT-plugin enablement [[https://forum.openmediavault.org/index.php?thread/40763-suggestion-for-a-ups/&postID=287027#post287027][will error out]] with paths it can't find: #+BEGIN_SRC Program does not exist: '/usr/bin/upsc' /etc/monit/conf.d/openmediavault-nut.conf:12: Program does not exist: 'ups' /etc/monit/conf.d/openmediavault-nut.conf:14: Program does not exist: '/usr/sbin/upsdrvctl' #+END_SRC Once installed, configure the plugin [[https://forum.openmediavault.org/index.php?thread/37311-ups-reports-communication-error-repeatedly/&postID=267897#post267897][like this.]] ** Basic usage ** Maintenance ** Troubleshooting ** Observations and future direction * Footnotes