I need somehow to figure out the disk with the badblocks. I could leave in: /dev/sda 320 gb /dev/sdb 320 gb /dev/sdc 1500 gb /dev/sdd 1500 gb and leave this disk detached: /dev/sde 1000gb See then if clicking sounds continue (they should as I believe it is one of 320gb disks) Then document everything: Start by checking the raid status: cat /proc/mdstat in more detail: sudo mdadm --query --detail /dev/md* (I have md0, md1 and md2) See devices and partitions (and document here): sudo fdisk -l See volumegroups (and document here): sudo vgscan sudo vgdisplay sudo lvs Lastly, try to figure out which one of the actual hardware devices is /dev/sda, sdb etc. One you know those, dymo them.