#+TITLE: Call of Cthulhu LCG #+SUBTITLE: Resources, banned and restricted list #+DATE: [2024-06-17 Mon] #+AUTHOR: Tuomas Pyyhtiä #+EMAIL: pyyhttu+cthulhu@pm.me #+DESCRIPTION: Call of Cthulhu Living Card Game #+KEYWORDS: call of cthulhu lcg #+LANGUAGE: en # Don't show table of contents, export underscore as underscore instead of # highlight in HTML (was: ^:nil), include priority cookies: #+OPTIONS: toc:nil ':t pri:t # Rest of options (as explained here: https://orgmode.org/manual/Export-Settings.html): #+OPTIONS: num:nil p:nil stat:t tags:t tasks:t tex:t timestamp:t #+BEGIN_COMMENT #+PROPERTY: header-args :eval never-export :exports both :results replace #+END_COMMENT # Include usable macros from https://github.com/fniessen/org-macros: #+INCLUDE: ../org-mode/macros/org-macros.setup #+BEGIN_COMMENT #+INFOJS_OPT: view:content ltoc:nil path:../debian/org-mode/js/org-info.js # for more info see: https://orgmode.org/worg/code/org-info-js #+END_COMMENT #+HTML_HEAD: * Resources [[http://www.fantasyflightgames.com/edge_news.asp?eidn=4454][Introductional article]] to the game.\\ Video tutorial of the rules ([[http://www.fantasyflightgames.com/ffg_content/coc/tutorial/player.html][FLV]]).\\ Official single-player rules ([[https://pyyhttu.kapsi.fi/cthulhu/coc-faq Ver 4.2-final.pdf][PDF]]) [2015-01-05 Mon].\\ Official multi-player rules ([[https://pyyhttu.kapsi.fi/cthulhu/cocmultiplayer.pdf][PDF]]). [2015-01-05 Mon]. Unofficial multi-player rules ([[https://www.cardgamedb.com/forums/index.php?/topic/19620-multiplayer-questions/][thread]]).\\ CoC-faq Ver 4.2 ([[https://pyyhttu.kapsi.fi/cthulhu/coc-faq Ver 4.2-final.pdf][PDF]]). [2015-10-16 Fri].\\ Tournament Rules Ver 4.1.1 ([[https://pyyhttu.kapsi.fi/cthulhu/coc-Tournament Rules Ver 4.1.pdf][PDF]]). [2015-07-15 Tue].\\ [[./decks/][Decks]].\\ [[https://www.fantasyflightgames.com/en/news/2015/9/22/let-it-eternal-lie/][End-of-life announcement]] of the game. * Banned cards There are currently no banned cards. * Restricted cards A player may select one card for any given deck, and cannot then play with any other restricted cards in the same deck. A player may run as many copies of his chosen restricted card in a deck as the regular game rules allow (regular game rules = maximum of three). - Key: :: {{{highlight(red, B)}}}: Has been banned\\ {{{highlight(orange, R)}}}: Currently restricted\\ {{{highlight(green, E)}}}: Errated\\ Alternative Historian ({{{highlight(orange, R)}}})\\ Broken Space, Broken Time ({{{highlight(orange, R)}}})\\ Diseased Sewer Rats ({{{highlight(red, B)}}}{{{highlight(orange, R)}}})\\ Doppelgänger ({{{highlight(orange, R)}}}{{{highlight(green, E)}}})\\ Dreamlands Fanatic ({{{highlight(orange, R)}}})\\ Feed Her Young ({{{highlight(orange, R)}}})\\ Guardian Pillar ({{{highlight(orange, R)}}})\\ Infernal Obsession ({{{highlight(orange, R)}}})\\ Interstellar Migration ({{{highlight(orange, R)}}}{{{highlight(green, E)}}})\\ Itinerant Scholar ({{{highlight(orange, R)}}})\\ Josef Meiger ({{{highlight(orange, R)}}})\\ Khopesh of the Abyss ({{{highlight(orange, R)}}}{{{highlight(green, E)}}})\\ Lost Oracle ({{{highlight(orange, R)}}})\\ Marcus Jamburg ({{{highlight(orange, R)}}})\\ Master of the Myths ({{{highlight(orange, R)}}})\\ Matthew Alexander ({{{highlight(orange, R)}}})\\ Museum Curator ({{{highlight(orange, R)}}})\\ Nikola Tesla ({{{highlight(orange, R)}}})\\ Nyarlathotep ({{{highlight(orange, R)}}})\\ Obsessive Insomniac ({{{highlight(orange, R)}}})\\ Por XV 14:19 ({{{highlight(orange, R)}}})\\ Ravager of trhe Deep ({{{highlight(orange, R)}}})\\ Rite of the Silver Gate ({{{highlight(orange, R)}}})\\ Shocking Transformation ({{{highlight(orange, R)}}})\\ Speak to the Dead ({{{highlight(orange, R)}}})\\ Studying the Void ({{{highlight(orange, R)}}})\\ Stygian Eye ({{{highlight(orange, R)}}})\\ Temple of R'lyeh ({{{highlight(orange, R)}}})\\ The Festival (({{{highlight(orange, R)}}}\\ Twilight Gate ({{{highlight(orange, R)}}})\\ Uroborus ({{{highlight(orange, R)}}}{{{highlight(green, E)}}})\\ Yithian Scout ({{{highlight(orange, R)}}})\\ ** Unrestricted by Errata Cards have been previously banned or restricted, but nerfed by errata and thus OK to unrestrict. Aspiring Artist ({{{highlight(red, B)}}}{{{highlight(green, E)}}})\\ Descendant of Eibon ({{{highlight(orange, R)}}}{{{highlight(green, E)}}})\\ Endless Interrogation ({{{highlight(red, B)}}}{{{highlight(green, E)}}})\\ Glimpse of the Void ({{{highlight(red, B)}}}{{{highlight(green, E)}}})\\ Initiate of Huang Hun ({{{highlight(orange, R)}}}{{{highlight(green, E)}}})\\ James Logan ({{{highlight(orange, R)}}}{{{highlight(green, E)}}})\\ Jeffrey Farrington ({{{highlight(orange, R)}}}{{{highlight(green, E)}}})\\ Magah Bird ({{{highlight(red, B)}}}{{{highlight(green, E)}}})\\ Negotium Perambulans in Tenebris ({{{highlight(orange, R)}}}{{{highlight(green, E)}}})\\ Things in the Ground ({{{highlight(orange, R)}}}{{{highlight(green, E)}}})\\